Every Single Day Counts

All the evidence shows that every single day in school makes a difference.

The UK's Chief Medical Officer recently wrote to all schools showing how regular attendance is vital to the life chances of our young people. It's important not just for your child’s learning, but also for their overall wellbeing, wider development and their mental health. Every single day in school, there are plenty of important moments which make a positive difference to your child.

At Haverstock School, we reinforce this vital message with a series of practical measures – including rewards to celebrate good or improved attendance and in rare cases, issuing fines for absence or lateness. 

Regular attendance is fundamental to the development of our students. 

●  All young people between 5 and 16 have the right to full time education. Schools and local education authorities have a duty to ensure that they take up this right.

●  Regular attendance is a key factor in raising levels of achievement. Students cannot achieve if they are absent from school.

●  Positive attitudes to attendance sets students up for success in the future.

● Attending school regularly promotes the welfare and safety of children whilst they are not in the care of their parents/carers.

●  Irregular attendance can place students at risk, isolate them from their peers and lead to poor behaviour both out of school and in school.

●  Poor or irregular attendance, persistent lateness, or children missing from education may be considered a safeguarding matter if this places children at risk of harm.

Put simply, students who miss school regularly, reduce their lifetime earning potential because they achieve worse exam results than their peers, and develop poor habits to take into the workplace where high levels of absence, poor punctuality, or an indifferent attitude to responsibility can result in dismissal.

If you are struggling to get your child into school, please do not hesitate to contact us and reach out for support. We would be very happy to meet and work together on this critical issue.

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