Haverstock 131

School Ethos & Motto

Our Ethos

In 2021 we invited parents, staff, governors and students to help agree our school ethos. We received some wonderful ideas and suggestions that will help to guide our school. We all agreed that Haverstock's unique ethos can be summed up as: Aim High, Step Forward, Be Kind.

Aim High

Haverstock is proud to be an academic school. Over the last 4 years our results have rocketed upwards. We sit high on the results league table, and we have more than quadrupled the number of students achieving places at Oxbridge or Russell Group universities. But ‘Aim High’ isn’t just about getting straight 9s in exams. At Haverstock, we aim high for EVERY SINGLE STUDENT – finding their individual strengths and discovering their dreams, whether vocational or academic.

Step Forward

We impress upon every child the importance of stepping forward to grasp the many opportunities on offer, try something new and stretch themselves. With our amazing programme of 50 co-curricular activities, we aim to have each child come to school thinking, ‘I can’t wait to see what’s being offered to me today!’

Be Kind

‘Be Kind’ is at the heart of all we do at Haverstock. As a small school our students work together as a family. We all know each other, and we look out for each other. 

Haverstock Motto Logo


Our Motto

We invited our students to create a motto for the school. The children came up with some fantastic ideas, and our unanimous favourite was written by a Year 7 student: 'Always Learning’.

At Haverstock School, we believe everyone is continually learning, in everything we do. As well as learning their subjects, our students are always developing their social skills, building confidence and practising new abilities in our 50 co-curricular clubs and activities. Our teachers are always learning too: from getting to know more about each individual child, to learning the very latest teaching techniques with our professional mentoring and coaching scheme. At Haverstock, we're always learning!

Our Motto is “Always Learning.”

Our Goals

1. Every Haverstock student reaches their academic potential 2. Every Haverstock student feels safe, valued and happy.

What this means:

Students achieve and develop independent study skills to enable them to become successful lifelong learners.

Key indicators of success:

  • Students make progress in line with the Top 10% of schools nationally.
  • Broad, balanced and academically rigorous curriculum.
  • Highest quality teaching.
Access to the widest curriculum the school can offer

What this means:

We provide a caring environment so each student has the space to grow.

Indicators of success:

  • Students remain at Haverstock until aged 18.
  • Exclusions are low.
  • Attendance is 96% +
  • The school environment is safe and welcoming.
3. Every Haverstock student experiences opportunities so they can make aspirational choices about their future. 4. Every Haverstock student has the skills and character to thrive.

What this means:

Our support programmes ensure students make well-informed choices about their future.

Indicators of success:

  • National Career benchmarks are met.
  • More students complete the Haverstock Career Network programme.
  • All students move on to continue their education or begin employment or training.

What this means:

Extra-curricular activities and the school’s values are as important as the curriculum.  They are not in addition to it.

Indicators of success:

  • Successful Activities Week.
  • There is a high take up of our extra-curricular activities. 
More students are accepted by Russell Group Universities / Higher Level Apprenticeships.


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